Swisscom Launches First Wi-Fi 6, 10 Gbps Gateway and Repeater in Europe, Powered by SoftAtHome Software

The Swiss Incumbent Operator Innovates with its New Internet-Box 3 Combining 10Gbps and Wi-Fi 6 and its WLAN-Box 2 Wi-Fi 6 Repeater, Powered by SoftAtHome’s Smart Wifi’ON and Connect’ON Software Products
Colombes, France – November 18th, 2019 – SoftAtHome, an independent software company for broadband, video, and analytics, is powering Swisscom’s European premiere launch of Wi-Fi 6 and 10 Gbps home connectivity. Swisscom’s customers will enjoy next-gen Wi-Fi services thanks to the new Wi-Fi 6 standard’s higher performance. An increasing number of mobile phones, including the Galaxy S10 or the iPhone 11, support the new IEEE standard, also known as Wi-Fi 802.11ax, bringing faster and smarter Wi-Fi connections, in particular for congested areas such as high-rise buildings.
SoftAtHome’s Wifi’ON delivers ambient connectivity in the home and drastically improves customer experience. Swisscom’s WLAN-Box 2 Wi-Fi repeaters, also powered by the latest Wifi’ON software, can easily extend Wi-Fi coverage creating a smarter Wi-Fi network in the home. The gateway, called “Internet-Box 3”, algorithmically selects the best Wi-Fi channel and optimizes band usages (2.4GHz or 5 GHz) by forcing Wi-Fi devices to connect to one band or the other (band steering). Thanks to Wifi’ON, Swisscom’s new Wi-Fi 6 Home Gateway and repeaters are fully interoperating with Wi-Fi 5.
Swisscom’s new Home Gateway hardware leverages SoftAtHome’s Connect’ON product, supporting 10Gbps XGS-PON access network as well as DSL flavours, including G.Fast and VDSL2 profiles. The 2.5 Gbps Ethernet port enables all the LAN services that subscribers expect from a premium device. Parental control, Guest Wifi, HD Telephony over DECT, Quality of Service optimized performances are all included.
“We are partnering with SoftAtHome to bring best in class Wi-Fi and home connectivity products to our Swiss customers,” said Marcel Burgherr, Head of Gateways, Phones and other Devices at Swisscom. “SoftAtHome’s approach lets us keep our hardware and software separate, to continuously extend the connectivity experience on existing products and enable the latest innovations as 10Gbps XGS-PON and Wi-Fi 6 on our new Internet-Box 3 and WLAN-Box 2.
“We are delighted that Swisscom trusts us to be at their sides when they innovate with next-gen technologies,” said David Viret-Lange, CEO of SoftAtHome. “That trust was earned by the dedication of our engineers who have developed world-class expertise in hardware and software separation on next-gen connectivity solutions.”
About SoftAtHome
SoftAtHome creates software for operators to deploy services with the best customer experience for connectivity, video, and Smart Home products, as well as providing the ability to monitor this experience. Major operators in over 20 million homes across 20 countries use SoftAtHome. The company based in France and Belgium has more than 300 employees, mainly in software development. Offices are already in half a dozen European capitals as well as in Dubai, Singapore, and Toronto. More info:
For Press Information Contact:
Marta Twardowska for SoftAtHome
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