SoftAtHome and Cavium Collaborate on the Digital Home

SoftAtHome and Cavium Collaborate on High Performance Home Gateway for Highly Demanding Digital Home Services. SoftAtHome Operating Platform Running on Cavium Multicore Processors for the Digital Home on Display at BBWF
PARIS and MOUNTAIN VIEW, Tuesday, September 8th 2009 – SoftAtHome, a software provider of home operating platforms that help service providers deliver convergent applications for the Digital Home, and Cavium Networks (NASDAQ: CAVM), a leading provider of semiconductor products that enable intelligent processing for networking, communications, storage, wireless, video and security applications, are announcing that they have collaborated to develop a complete solution for high-performance Home Gateways (HGW). Under the collaboration, the SoftAtHome Operating Platform is available on the Cavium OCTEON Plus multicore MIPS64 processor family and will also be available on the newly released ECONA dual-core ARM11 Digital Home processor family. A demonstration of the SoftAtHome Operating Platform running on the OCTEON Plus processors will be on display in booth # 370 at the Broadband World Forum Europe Sept. 7-9 at the CNIT La Defense in Paris, France. Cavium Networks’ ECONA CNS3XXX processors will be on display in booth #158.
The SoftAtHome Operating Platform is a software platform that contains all of the features and APIs necessary to create applications for the Digital Home. Service providers and 3rd party developers can combine services such as voice, video, user interface, security, network access, connectivity or management and deploy them across different devices in the home including Home Gateways (HGW) and Set Top Boxes (STB). Key features including DLNA content indexing for document sharing, content security and support for Java based applications on OSGI, require high performance hardware solutions.
By using the SoftAtHome Operating Platform HGW Edition on Cavium Digital Home processors, service providers can accelerate the time-to-market to deploy high-performance and highly-scalable broadband applications.
The recently announced Cavium Networks next generation ECONA CNS3XXX Family of ARM-Based Energy Efficient processors offer single and dual ARM11 MPCore processors, a rich set of integrated hardware accelerators and a range of I/Os for glueless voice, video and data connectivity. Sophisticated power management techniques enable super low-power operation starting at less than 1 Watt. The ECONA CNS3XXX family is targeted for applications including FTTH broadband gateways, network attached storage appliances, multimedia picture frames, media and print servers, IP cameras and wireless access points. “Cavium Networks is a leader in MIPS64 and ARM processors for high performance broadband home gateways and the digital home. We are excited to offer our SoftAtHome Operating Platform on Cavium’s OCTEON and ECONA processor lines, and provides operators with a turnkey solution to deploy high performance Digital Home services today” says SoftAtHome’s CEO, Michel Degland.
“We are pleased to collaborate with SoftAtHome to bring to the market a reference platform that will enable operators and manufacturers to create high-performance Home Gateways. SoftAtHome Operating Platform HGW Edition leverages the high performance features of our processor families to optimize the experience of content sharing inside the home”, adds Sandeep Vij, General Manager and Vice President of Broadband Consumer Group of Cavium Networks.
About SoftAtHome
SoftAtHome is a software company created by Orange, Thomson and Sagem Communications to deliver total convergence through an operating platform for the home digital environment. It fosters a new ecosystem made up of service providers, 3rd party application developers, integrators and hardware vendors to accelerate the advent of the Digital Home. The company is headquartered in France with development and sales teams in France and Belgium.
About Cavium Networks
Cavium Networks is a leading provider of highly integrated semiconductor products that enable intelligent processing in networking, communications, storage and security applications. Cavium Networks offers a broad portfolio of integrated, software-compatible processors ranging in performance from 10 Mbps to 20 Gbps that enable secure, intelligent functionality in enterprise, data-center, broadband/consumer and access and service provider equipment. Cavium Networks processors are supported by ecosystem partners that provide operating systems, tool support, reference designs and other services. Cavium Networks principal offices are in Mountain View, CA with design team locations in California, Massachusetts